Monday, September 29, 2008
Chruch and State in Canada
We've been looking and found a REALLY old book (1887) that was very difficult to understand. Anyone know how the seperation of church and state works here? We don't tend to have endorsements by anyone during campaigns so possibly it's more the tradition that any law. Any ideas?
Church and State in the United States
How does the seperation of Church and State work in the States? We've already had some discussion on whether that is consitutional or not and if people would like to discuss that in more detail, go to. My question is more in terms of the peachers that endorsed a political candidate this past Sunday. From what we could understand, that is illegal because churches pay taxes to the Federal government (oh wait, what do American's call their central government if state politics are considered federal?) It sounded like they would now have to pay those taxes. Does that really make it a law. Apparently not one that they were too concerned in breaking...? Does anyone know more about those churches and who they were all endorsing (I have a good idea, but don't want to assume :) ) What is the general feeling about what occured?
Conservative gain

How is it that the Conservatives (Canadian election) are gaining in numbers? Is the sweater really changing people's minds? Why are the opposition parties not laying out the many things that Harper has done in the past two years that went directly against what he ran for? What does this mean for our political system and campaign promises if he gets re-elected?
Is this why American candidates refuse to put out much of a platform?
American election,
Canadian election,
Independents- the first question!
I always assumed that "independents" meant people who were not registered with either the Republican or Democratic parties. However, after watching Lou Dobbs tonight, I'm suddenly wondering if perhaps, like many things, I have assumed too much. He seems rather libertarian to me. Is that the case with all "independents"? Does the term more closely link to the idea of American federalism?
Then a little history
I am a Canadian who happened to be born in the United States. As a Christian, I always assumed that I understood Christians everywhere. As I learned to think independently of my parents, I also learned that I was thorougly perplexed by the "Religious Right" both in Canada and the States. Through CNN and election news, I have learned how very unknowledgable I am about this group of people whom I consider my brothers and sisters in Christ. Very interesting! Through a Bible School friend's blog, I have met a few other lovely people who have been so kind as to answer many of my questions. However, I've begun to feel bad about hijacking their blogs any time they mention governmental politics or social conventions with my numerous questions! Time for a site of my own to indulge this great love of mine.
As the topic of the conversation has been talk about the Conservative/Libertarian movement and how it is followed in the Christian community, that will likely take up some of the space. I've also been asked to explain Canadian politics, so that will hopefully happen as well. I'm currently stuck trying to figure out how to explain that we have a centrist (according to our political spectrum) party that is proud to call itself "Liberal." Canada is also under and election right now, so that will also likely take up some space. I'm currently watching a talk show/political news show where the host is promising the Prime Minister a kitty if he will come on the show (every other leader is) and harm to the poor cat if the PM won't show! Got to love "The Hour!"
Anyways, welcome! Feel free to answer questions and ask questions to your heart's content. Basically any topic is fair game.
As the topic of the conversation has been talk about the Conservative/Libertarian movement and how it is followed in the Christian community, that will likely take up some of the space. I've also been asked to explain Canadian politics, so that will hopefully happen as well. I'm currently stuck trying to figure out how to explain that we have a centrist (according to our political spectrum) party that is proud to call itself "Liberal." Canada is also under and election right now, so that will also likely take up some space. I'm currently watching a talk show/political news show where the host is promising the Prime Minister a kitty if he will come on the show (every other leader is) and harm to the poor cat if the PM won't show! Got to love "The Hour!"
Anyways, welcome! Feel free to answer questions and ask questions to your heart's content. Basically any topic is fair game.
First a thank you
to my wonderfully handy husband
-who spent the last hour fiddling with the template to create exactly what I wanted!
-and who listens to my questions and learns and debates with me every day!
-who spent the last hour fiddling with the template to create exactly what I wanted!
-and who listens to my questions and learns and debates with me every day!
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