Thursday, October 9, 2008

Great Campaign Commercials

Hello all,
I couldn't resist adding my favorite of the election campaign commercials I've seen lately. The Ed one is from the last campaign but it's quite wonderful.
Let me know if you guys find anything that we just all have to see.


chelleybutton said...

You should add links. :) For us Americans. ;)

Kimberly said...

There are links, on the right hand side under the "Great Campaign Commercials" title.

chelleybutton said...

Oh. Hehe. :)

chelleybutton said...

The 2 last links took me to the same place. I liked the political ad breaks. :) (Do you get them in Canada too? Weird that I don't get them, although I have no idea what WCCO is, but it makes me think of Waco, TX...) And no offense, Kim (and other Canadians:), but I really liked how Canadian those 2 guys sounded. :D

Kimberly said...

Whoops! I'll fix that if I can find the other one again.

Kimberly said...

all fixed.

chelleybutton said...

Thanks. :) Ooh, your elections are in just 2 days?? At least that means the campaigning will be over soon, right? :)