Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inagural hoopla

No one (ok, no one I know) in Canada cares or watches when our PM gets sworn in. Why is there SUCH a difference? Why all the money every 4 years? There certainly does seem to be a direction change. Is it like this every year?
What is with all the talk surrounding the inauguration? "This couldn't have happened anywhere else!" said by educated people makes me wonder where the line between patriotism and myth is drawn. (Hmm.. if that sounded mean, please don't take it that way! I'm not sure how else to word it.) Why is there all this emotion?
After the election there were so many editorials either hating Obama or thinking he was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Is that because there won't be any chance for change for 4 years? In Canada we (or at least the people I know) go "Oh, well that was disappointing. (no matter who gets in :) ) Well, it won't be long before we're back at the polls." But our PM doesn't seem to have the same power as the US President to change the people of a great majority of the important positions. Although, I must say that with the last few years of Canadian politics, I've been amazed at the powers our PM has exercised outside of Parliament.


chelleybutton said...

I wrote a long comment on this post earlier & then blogger wasn't working and it was lost! Aarghh! I suppose it means I wasn't supposed to comment...

HonorMommy said...

"so many editorials either hating Obama" REALLY??????????? You saw several editorials where people were critical of Obama? REALLY??????? I haven't seen any except when I went looking for them. (Except on One News Now because that is Christian biased).

It is not normally THIS big of a deal. As a matter of fact, I have a friend (a very naive friend about these kinds of things, but still a good friend :-D) who didn't even know they did inaugural balls at all until I mentioned how ridiculous it was to spend $160 million on one in this economy. But except for talk radio and that article that I posted on my facebook account, I haven't heard anyone say anything bad about it. In fact, I had to go searching for any article at all that talked about it. We watched the news last night and not a single person mentioned how expensive it was although they talked in great detail about Michelle's dress.

But Obama has some sort of "magic powers". I don't know what it is, but people flock to him the way I've never seen before. Its like he is a movie star or a rock star. It is really weird.

Kimberly said...

Oh please Chelley!
Just write and save it in Word first and then cut and paste! I'm always too scatterbrained and tend to open things in the same window and then lose everything so if it's going to be a long rant then I'll always try to remember to save.

Anyways, yes HM some of the editorials have been from you, but there has also been comment in Canada about the expense and the relative phenomenon and inevitable let down. Really Obama is too right wing for 1/2 of Canadians (at least according to our last election) so there has been concern that things won't change "enough." Most of the "hate Obama" editorials were right up by the election when it was seeming like a sure thing and directly afterwards and generally by American sources. I can probably find some still if you like.

HonorMommy said...

"Really Obama is too right wing for 1/2 of Canadians"...I'm sorry Kimberly, but that is VERY scary to me! :-)